Kartonowy Arsenal Nr. 4-5/98 British Aerospace Sea Harrier FRS Mk.I

Sea Harrier Side view

I have two issues with this model. First, it is beautifully detailed and has excellent fit, and second, Halinsky doesn't pay attention to us, modelers. What I mean is the issue of poor instructions and not enough illustrations, some units of the model turn into puzzles and my final complaint is the brackets that join fuselage panels, are not provided. You need to make them from spare cardstock. The model has a complex design with linked, moveable exhausts and telescopic landing gear (it even has little springs inserted into it!). Canopy is vacuformed. Landing light is made up from paper with drop of glue in it, then painted in chrome and a cover from clear plastic. Overall quality is very high and the completed model looks great. It is worth the effort.

Bottom view Exhausts
Front view Top view
Cocpit Air brake
Pods Front wheel
Side wheel

Little brother (Frog, 1/72)
Little brother